Education Links: click on blue
- We usually offer a rigging workshop in the fall at our rigging loft in Port Townsend. These are always posted on our home page in the far right column under Workshops and Speaking Dates
- Special workshops or Seminars for Sailing Clubs, from one hour to one week in length. These make a great Fund Raising offering for your organization.
- Private lessons for individuals or vessel crews
FAQ's - Workshops Refresh for the latest updates.
Double Braid Eye Splice How-to Instructions (PDF)
from Brion's series Working Rope - Field Guides for Rigging - book 5 Basic Rope Splices
The BTYR message board for yacht riggers - experienced and those needing some tips and assistance. The best resource for up-to-date help in rigging questions! This is a great place to post questions to Brion, as he monitors this site, or click on Consultation above.Each month we devise another question to test your rigging skills. Monthly drawings from winners for a prize!
Rigging is more about information than about wire and rope....
Recommended Services and Suppies Links
We get to work with some really great people who are doing great things with rope and wire...
Past Workshops ,Seminars, Slide Shows - thought you might like to see what we do
* February 19, 2014
Brion speaking at U.S. Coast Guard Industry Day
San Pedro, California
* February 13, 2014 -7:30pm
Brion speaking in Sydney, Australia
Sidney Amateur Sailing Club
1 Green Street
Cremorne, NSW 2090
Slide show and talk - Downrigging The Falls of Clyde
To encourage effective, meaningful preservation of historic vessels
info - Ian Smith or Greg Sproule
* January 24, 2014
Brion Speaking in Melbourne, Australia
sponsored by Pat Appleton
Docklands Ocean Education Center
ALMA Shed 2
North Wharf Road - extension of Collins StreetMelbourne
Slide show and talk - Downrigging The Falls of Clyde
To encourage effective, meaningful preservation of historic vessels
2013 Workshops ,Seminars, Slide Shows
*April 2013
Strictly Sail - Pacific
- Brion presents 5 Seminars
Jack London Square, Oakland , CA
April 11 - 14
*May 2013
Rig Your Boat
- Brion hosts a Weekend of Hands - On Rigging
Brion's Rigging Loft - Port Townsend, WA
May 27 & 28
A letter from one of our workshop students: .
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:43 AM
To: Director, BTYR
Subject: Rigging Workshop.
Thanks to you and especially Brion for the workshop. I learned a lot!!
I didn't get a chance to fill out our comment sheet - so I will try to here.
I expected to get out, and did, a better understanding of the rigging on our boat. This was a main thrust (I think) of the workshop. I will look with a better educated eye at rigging from now on.
I got a lot of questions answered - and even a few that I was never even considering!
The workshop was a complete success.
Everything was excellent. Brion's manner in presentation was engaging and his approach to questions and patience with them and the many comments and "helpful" suggestions on topics that we sometimes offered...
What I liked best about the workshop was the rapid fire exchange of information. I like to be challenged when I attend these. The give and take was good. There was not a lot of time wasted on explanations etc. Brion read us very well and kept stuff from becoming too boring....
I enjoyed the weekend. There is much to do on our boat - and I will be contacting you for help.
Thanks again to Brion, Sean and you Christian.
Blair Fraser
White Rock, Canada.*October 2013
Rig Your Boat
- Brion hosts a Weekend of Hands - On Rigging
Brion's Rigging Loft - Port Townsend, WA
October 12 & 13
2012 Workshops ,Seminars, Slide Shows
*January 2012
Chicago Strictly Sail Boat Show
- Brion presents 5 Seminars
The Navy Pier, Chicago
Jan 26 - Feb29
Rig Loads, Big Loads
A sailboat can generate tons of force when it powers up its rig. This is fine, as long as the rigging system is designed and fabricated to deal safely with all that power. Join rigger Brion Toss as he demonstrates the loads that rig components bear, how to establish safety factors, and how all that energy can be channeled into moving your boat.
Rigging Basics
Fundamental procedures, from a rigging raconteur. Learn about “eyeball engineering”, rig tuning, knots and splices, drilling and tapping, epoxy-potting, deck layout, how to point a stripper arm, why you should probably turn your Genoa cars around, andmore.
Brion's Sponsors for Strictly Sail and Seattle Boat Show
New England Ropes and Hayn Marine Rigging
- Jan 30 - Feb 5
Brion presents 6 Seminars
Century Link Field
*February 2012
- Feb 9 Port Hadlock, Wa
Brion will speak at the Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building
*March 2012
Brion will be a speaker and panel discussion leader
NorthWest Maritime Center - Port Townsend.
March 16 - 19, 2012
Note from March 20, 2011 - this is the morning after report - WOW ! We will do this again - watch for the announcement !
What a weekend at our NW Maritime Center - Spring Sailing Symposium. Great workshops and the weekend ended on with a
really upbeat panel discussion "Jury Rigging and Damage Control " moderated by Chuck Hawley - with Brion ,Lin and Larry
Pardey, Marc Shrader of Ocean Watch , Steve D'Antonio, and Chris Bugnoli. Even the presenters made time to listen in on other presentations during the loaded weekend agenda - The Symposium was a great success Hope you can be here next year!
Southwest International Boat Show
Brion will be a speaker and panel discussion leader
Houston, Texas
March 22- 25
Hands - on Weekend Workshop in the particulars of Sail Boat Rigging
Brion's Rigging Loft, Port Townsend
March 31- April 1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
*April 2012
The Only All Sail Show on the West Coast.
Jack London Square
Oakland, California
- April 12- 15
Brion's Seminars at Strictly Sail Pacific
Rig Loads, Big Loads 2:15 Friday Room A
Rig Basics - 10:30 Room D
Hidden Causes of Rig Failure - 4:45 Room D
Rig Loads, Big Loads - 2:15 Friday Room E
Hoosier Sail & Power Squadron Week
Brion will be there for Seminars /Consultation / Inspections
April 16- 19
For more info and register for Brion's Seminar in Indianapolis - contact Alan Hyde
*July28-29, 2012
A Weekend Workshop in the Particulars of Sail Boat Rigging
Brion's Rigging Loft
July 28 -29See October 2012 for class description - below
*September 2012
Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival
Brion's Rigging Loft
September 7- 9
Come see us during the festival at our loft in the festival grounds - first floor of the Sail Loft Bldg - see Contact Us above
*October 2012RIG YOUR BOAT
A Weekend Workshop in the Particulars of Sail Boat Rigging
Brion's Rigging Loft
Port Townsend
October 13 & 14
Brion's Loft - October Port Townsend < click to sign up on line
A letter from one of our workshop students: .
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:43 AM
To: Director, BTYR
Subject: Rigging Workshop.
Thanks to you and especially Brion for the workshop. I learned a lot!!
I didn't get a chance to fill out our comment sheet - so I will try to here.
I expected to get out, and did, a better understanding of the rigging on our boat. This was a main thrust (I think) of the workshop. I will look with a better educated eye at rigging from now on.
I got a lot of questions answered - and even a few that I was never even considering!
The workshop was a complete success.
Everything was excellent. Brion's manner in presentation was engaging and his approach to questions and patience with them and the many comments and "helpful" suggestions on topics that we sometimes offered...
What I liked best about the workshop was the rapid fire exchange of information. I like to be challenged when I attend these. The give and take was good. There was not a lot of time wasted on explanations etc. Brion read us very well and kept stuff from becoming too boring....
I enjoyed the weekend. There is much to do on our boat - and I will be contacting you for help.
Thanks again to Brion, Sean and you Christian.
Blair Fraser
White Rock, Canada.